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Before you leave the U.S. make sure that you and your family have all vaccinations needed for the move to Germany. One vaccination that several of us were not aware of needing here in some parts of Germany was the vaccination for F.S.M.E. Früh Sommer Meningo Encefelitis. As the name says it is at its peak in early summer. The season begins in late spring and continues through early autumn, peaking at each end of the season. It comes to Germany from the east and is not present in the U.S. It is also not a problem in most other areas of Germany, even Munich. It is currently reported as problematic in the Altötting/Passau region near the Inn River as well as near Freiberg in the Schwarzwald near the Rhein River. This is so because of the humidity/temperature combination in these areas at this particular time of year.

The vaccine is available for adults from your family doctor or any general physician here in the Burghausen area. It requires a series of three injections to be completely effective. Check with your doctor for news of its availability for your children. Dr. Staudt, pediatrician in Neuötting, says that F.S.M.E., a virus, can be much more serious in adults, especially those right around age thirty, than in children. It can even be fatal. Currently, there is no treatment for this virus - only the vaccine for prevention. Similar to Lyme Disease, this virus causes Meningitis and Encephilitis and symptoms include high fever, headache, and loss of sense perception.

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Barbara Heller