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Bureaucratic procedures

As in most countries, foreigners living in Germany are required to go through certain formalities which permit you to live and work with the proper legal status. Germany (Bavaria) requires the following formalities:

Health certificate (Gesundheitsnachweis)
Local registration of presence (örtliche Anmeldung)
Residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis)
Work permit (Arbeitserlaubnis)
Drivers license

For many of us, Wacker provided assistance in completing the appropriate paperwork. However, many of us were unaware of what some of the procedures would require. For instance, a health examination by a city health office or a general practitioner is required for all foreigners staying in Germany for over 3 months. The state of Bavaria requires an HIV test as part of that exam. Before you leave for Germany it's important to clarify with your HR department exactly how the paperwork will be completed, including the heath exam. Each town may have different requirements for registration. Be sure to bring with you important documents such as marriage certificates, passports, and birth certificates that may be required for completion of these processes. Some towns also require a certification of good citizenship from your local U.S. police department.

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Barbara Heller